Just make sure to have a few bucks in your account and head over to our early access page to save your spot.
Because deep down, you know you've always had the ear for spotting talented artists. And let's face it: bragging rights are priceless.
By selling a piece of their brands to you, artists and their managers get the funding they need to scale and reach their fullest potential.
The more money artists make, the more valuable their brands become. Owning shares in those growing brands makes your investment more valuable.
Once the artist’s launch is complete, you can sell your shares on the market whenever you like, and if you want, you can also buy more.
Our lawyers said “legally, you can’t guarantee returns”. We say, “you won’t know if you don’t try”.
There’s that little voice in your head telling you to get ahead of the curve. Listen to it. Or not, and just sit this one out. Like you did with real estate pre-08’, blockchain, and AI…
Glad you asked. We’ll let you know soon. Sign up for early access and find out :)
We’re on the path to obtaining regulatory approval (by the sec, google it) so that your money is insured and protected.
We’re not really selling bonds here. Investing in artists has the potential of high returns, but also its limitations. As a disclaimer here are a few risks:
a) If the artist doesn't thrive, you might not see a return (duh).
b) If you want to sell your shares but no buyers are biting, you might have to hang tight for a bit (you can also lower the price to make it more attractive).